Lange Nacht der Forschung 2014 - Wie schön ist Mathematik?
Ein Sierpinski Tetraeder aus Strohhalmen

Long Night of Science 2014

Our goal for the Long Night of Science was to build the largest Sierpinski tetrahedron made of straws.

Thanks to the help of many visitors the progress was very fast.

Tetraeder aus Strohhalmen


Soon we had the first parts of the planned tetrahedron.

Sierpinski Tetrahedron / Sierpinski Tetraeder

Sierpinski Tetrahedron / Sierpinski Tetraeder

The final construction (made of 1536 straws) is now floating in the 3rd floor of Science Park 2.
Sierpinski Tetrahedron / Sierpinski Tetraeder / Tetraeder Fraktal

Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Institut für Angewandte Geometrie, Altenberger Str.69, 4040 Linz