
Freeform - Polytope - Dimension++ - CHANGE - MOTOR - VORONOI++ - EXAMPLE - G+S - OEAD WTZ Czech - INSIST - TERRIFIC - MEDIAL AXIS - PARADISE - ÖAD AKTION 2009/5 - ÖAD SL 09/2009 - ADOPT - SAGA - EXCITING - DK W1214 - NFN S92 - ÖAD ES 11/2007 - SFB F013 - ISIS - P17387-N12 - GAIA II - COMPASS

Refinable Freeform Splines via Polynomial Reproduction

Grant-DOI 10.55776/PIN6740223, Funding program: Single project international

Project partners: Thomas Takacs, RICAM, Austrian Academy of Sciences; INRIA - France

Polytope Mesh Generation and Finite Element Analysis Methods for Problems in Solid Mechanics

FWF I 6779, Funding program: International - Multilateral Initiatives

Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft: FOR 5492 network project
Project partners: EPFL Lausanne; RWTH Aachen; University of Duisburg-Essen; RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau


I 5270 international projects, Lead Agency Verfahren; DACH: FWF
10/2021 - 09/2025

Project partners: TU Graz, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science; Evanthia Papadopoulou, University of Lugano - Universita della Svizzeria Italiana - Schweiz

New CHallenges for (adaptive) PDE solvers: the interplay of ANalysis and GEometry

ERC-2015-AdG, 2016 - 2022


Logo MOTOR-Projekt
Multi-ObjecTive design Optimization of fluid eneRgy machines

EU H2020-FoF-2015, 2015 - 2018



I 1836 international projects, Lead Agency Verfahren; DACH: FWF
06/2015 - 05/2018

Projectpartner: TU Graz, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

Logo vom EXAMPLE-Projekt
Exact and Adaptive Modeling and Simulation of the Air Passage of Aircraft Engines

EU FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP, 2013 - 2016

Links: EXAMPLE, EU, Projectpartner: MTU Aero Engines AG


Logo G+S Projekt
FWF NFN S117 Geometry + Simulation

National Research Network (NFN) funded by FWF, 2012 - 2016, extended until 2020.
Part 1 "Coordination and Service", Part 7 "Geometric Modeling for Numerical Simulation".
Links: FWF, G+S. Projectpartner: Johannes Kepler University, Computational Mathematics, Linz, Austria
Austrian Academy of Sciences, RICAM, Linz, Austria
University of Vienna, Computational Science Center, Vienna, Austria
Universität Bonn, Numerical Simulation, Bonn, Germany


ÖAD WTZ Czech Republic CZ 06/2012
Exact and Approximate Description of Shapes for Geometric Modelling

Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit (WTZ) mit der University of West Bohemia Pilsen (Tschechische Republik) der bilateralen Aktionen des ÖAD, 2012-2013.

Logo Insist Project
Integrating Numerical Simulation and Geometric Design Technology

Networks for Initial Training (ITN), 7th Framework programme of the EU, 2012-2015.



Logo TERRIFIC Project
Towards Enhanced Integration of Design and Production in the Factory of the Future through Isogeometric Technologies

Collaborative project, 7th Framework programme of the EU, 2011-2014.


Medial Axis Computation

Part of the ESF EUROCORES programm VORONOI - Spatial Decompositions and Graphs, 2011 - 2014

Parameterization of computational domains for isogeometric analysis

PEOPLE MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) 7th Framework Programme of the EU, 2011-2013.

The institutes serves as host and coordinator of the Marie-Curie-Fellowship of Dr. Carlotta Giannelli.
Links: EU Marie Curie

AKTION 2009/5
Effective Methods of Algebraic Geometry for Geometric Modelling and Industrial Applications

Bilaterales Projekt mit der University of West Bohemia Pilsen (Tschechische Republik) der bilateralen Aktionen des ÖAD, 2009-2010.

This cientific programme is devoted both to the theoretical fundamentals of CAD and to the various computational aspects of applications. We want to focus on the following relations between Algebraic Geometry and fields from Applied Geometry: Novel geometric representations and their applications, Symbolic and numeric techniques for geometric computing, Real algebraic geometry and for CAD solids.
Links: ÖAD, University of West Bohemia Pilsen: RNDr. Miroslav LAVICKA


SL 09/2009
Approximation and Geometric Computing mit höherwertigen Beschreibungen geometrischer Objekte (AGARGO)

Bilateral project with the University of Ljubljana (Slowenien), funded by the WTZ-Programme of the ÖAD, 2009-2010.

The project is devoted to advanced geometric representations, in particular to Pythagorean hodograph (PH) curves and to surfaces in support function representation. Compared to standard representations of geometry, the use of advanced ones provides additional geometric properties, such as the availability of exact offset curves and surfaces or of exact arc length functions. The project is to produce new scientific results concerning the mathematical foundations of these representations.
Links: ÖAD, University of Ljubljana: Prof. Jernej Kozak


Advanced Simulation-Based Design Methods for Pump Turbines (ADOPT)

Cooperative Research Project, fundet by the FFG, programme FIT-IT Visual Computing (2008-2011).

The project is devoted to improving the design process of blades for hydroelectric turbines. In particular it deals with the class of pump turbines, which are used both for generating energy and as pumps. For this important class of turbines, it is planned to improve the integration of numerical simulation and the CAD-based design process.
Links: FFG, Projektpartner VA Tech HYDRO


Logo vom SAGA-Projekt
Shapes, Geometry and Algebra

Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN), 7th Framework programme of the EU, 2008-2012.

The activities of this network shall be devoted to the mathematical foundations of Computer-Aided Design. The following four research ares will be addressed: (1) Change of Representation, (2) Geometric Computing - Algebraic Tools, (3) Algebraic Geometry for CAD Applications, (4) Practical Industrial Problems.
Links: SAGA, Open positions, CATT success story


Logo vom Exciting-Projekt
Exact Geometry Simulation for Optimized Design of Vehicles and Vessels

Collaborative Project, 7th framework programme of the EU, 2008-2011.

The project is devoted to the numerical simulation and the design optomization for the class of functional free-form surfaces. In particular it will focus on applications from the field of surface transportation. Based on the novel paradigm of Isogeometric Analysis (T. Hughes 2004), which allows to use an exact geometry representation for numerical simulation, it is planned to create a new class of tools for numerical simulation. The institute acts as coordinator of the EXCITING consortium.
Links: EXCITING, CATT success story


Logo von DK
DK W1214
Doktoratskolleg: Computational Mathematics: Numerical Analysis and Symbolic Computation

Doktoratskolleg W1214, 2008-2011, funded by the FWF.

The doctoral school aims at providing research training for PhD students in two fundamental areas of computational mathematics: Numerical Analsyis and Symbolic Computation. The institute participates with a project on "Geometric Solvers for Polynomial Systems".
Links: FWF, DK


Medial axis computation using spiral biarc approximation
Industrial Geometry / Dynamic Spline Surfaces

National Research Network (NFN) S92 "Industrial Geometry",
Subprojects 1 "Coordination and Service, Knowledge Transfer and Sustainability" 2005-2008,
and 2 "Dynamic Spline Surfaces", 2005-2011, funded by the FWF Nationales Forschungsnetzwerk (NFN).

The activities of the research network aims at supporting the cooperation and ineraction between the different fields of application-oriented geometric research. These include Computer Aided Geometric design, Computational geometry, Image Processing, Kinematics and Robotics. During the first funding period, our institute has coordinated the activities of the research network.

Subproject 2 is devoted to dynamic spline surfaces. Among other topics, it deals with the reconstruction of geometric objects from measurement data. Another topic is the use of nonlinear geometric primitives for geometric computations.
Links: FWF, IG (Industrial Geometry); Projektpartner: Universitäten TU Wien, Graz, Universität Wien


Bewegungen eines Roboterarm
ES 111/2007
Advancing the Geometric Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Design

Bilateral project with the University of Cantabria (Spanien), funded by the WTZ-Programme of the ÖAD, 2007-2008.

The cooperation focuses on various questions which are related to the use of new methaical methods in Computer Aided Design. This involves results from different areas of mathematics and computer science,
ranging from numerical analysis to symbolic computation.
Links: ÖAD, University of Cantabria: Prof. Laureano Gonzalez-Vega


Parametric Surface
SFB F013
Computational techniques for algebraic spline surfaces

Special research programme (SFB) F013 "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing", subproject 15 "Computational techniques for algebraic spline surfaces" (2001-2008), funded by the FWF.

The project is devoted to numerical and symbolic methods for free--form curves and surfaces. It is dealt with in cooperation with Dr. Josef Schicho (RICAM). In particular, computational techniques for approximate implicitization and approx8imate parameterization of surfaces have been studied.


reconstructed mesh
Intelligent 3D Geometry reconstruction using dynamic and evolution-based techniques

Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship, 6th Framework Programme of the EU, 2006-2008

The institutes served as host and coordinator of the Marie-Curie-Fellowship of Dr. Huaiping Yang. The research programme focused mainly on intelligent techniques for 3D geometry reconstruction.
Links: EU


HCR-surfaces of degrees 2
Pythagorean hodograph curves and surfaces

Stand-alone Project P17387-N12, 2004-2007, supported by the FWF

This project was devoted to the class of Pythagorean hodograph curves and surfaces. As an important advantage, these curves and surfaces have rational offsets. In addition, the arc length can be evaluated exactly, which is helpful for applications in numerically controlled machining.
Links: FWF


approximate implicitization
Intersection algorithms for geometry based IT-applications using approximate algebraic methods

Collaborative Project, 5th Framework programme of the EU, contract no. IST 2001-35512, 2002-2005

The institute took partner in the GAIA II project. The aim of the project was to derive a new class of robust algorithms for detecting and computing intersection curves (in particular self-intersections) in Computer Aided Design.
Links: GAIA 2


Cover of Book
Workshop on Computational Methods for Algebraic Spline Surfaces

ESF Exploratory workshop, funded by the European Science Foundation

The first such workshop was held in September 2003. It has brought together experts from the two fields of algebraic geometry and applied geometry, thereby supporting the scientific exchange between both fields. Further workshops were held in 2005 and 2007.
Links: Springer Proceedings 2003, Proceedings 2005


Research activities, Main Topics

The research activities of the department are devoted to applications of geometry in various branches of mathematics and engineering; in particular focusing on scientific computing. Among others, the following topics are studied / have been studied:

"reverse engineering",
shape-preserving methods for generating curves and surfaces,

approximate implicitisation and parameterization
parameterization of special algebraic surfaces (SFB F013), (GAIA II).

rational rigid body motions,
spline-interpolation for industrial robots,

affine surface theory,
geometrical conditions of contact / Characterization of geometric continuity,

discussion of approximation orders,
dual bases

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute for Applied Geometry, Altenberger Str.69, Austria-4040 Linz