Our Web-Pages feature several animated figures to various geometrical topics. For further information, please check out these links!
Offsets: Offsets to a parabola and their evolute.
Osculating circle: Osculating circles of an ellipse.
Evolute: Evolute and normals of an ellipse.
Trochoids: Two possibilities for generating a trochoid.
Ovals of constant width: Several ovals of constant width and their evolute.
Darboux-Motion: Animated version of a very special spatial motion.
Circle involutes as gear teeth profile curves (L. Euler).
A tangent surface of a helix, a catenoid, and a helicoid.
Meusnier's theorem and the distribution of the normal curvatures.
Family of isometric surfaces, containing both the helicoid and the catenoid.
Gaussian image of a surface in the neigbourhood of the various types of surface points: elliptic, hyperbolic, parabolic points and a monkey saddle.
Homogeneous coordinates: The interactive Mathematica applet shows the intersection of two lines given by Cartesian coordinates (left image) in the corresponding homogeneous coordinates (right image).